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Covid-19 travel restrictions by country
Covid-19 travel restrictions by country

How to travel safely during the pandemic

Simon Horowitz avatar
Written by Simon Horowitz
Updated over 3 years ago

We appreciate many people may still need to travel despite the economic slowdown and will want to do so in a safe, reliable way. Navigating the various travel restrictions can be quite complicated. There are many variables that impact your right to travel and whether you need to quarantine or bring a health certificate with you on your trip.

Official French Ministry of Foreign Affairs website

You can find on the France Diplomatie website, a list of guidelines (tests, quarantine...) for travels from France to other destinations. This source is updated frequently.

Air France TravelDoc tool

Air France put together a platform that allows you to enter your place of departure and arrival. Once the information is input, the website will provide you with the relative VISA and Covid related restrictions applied in the country you are visiting. This source is also updated frequently.

Pre-travel resources

To help us make fast, sound decisions, the teams at TripsGuard and at Sitata have created highly-recommended, interactive tools you can use prior to making your booking.

How does TripsGuard work? 

Enter your destination country and the tool does the rest. It will tell you if the country has travel restrictions and curfew or social distancing measures, among other things.

If the above link doesn't work, copy and paste the following URL in your browser:

How does Sitata work?

Enter your destination country and the tool does the rest. It will also tell you if the country has travel restrictions and curfew or social distancing measures, among other things.

If the above link doesn't work, copy and paste the following URL into your browser:

Important: We would like to remind you that the TripsGuard and Sitata tools are not substitutes for information from official government channels. We recommend you consult the websites of relevant embassies for detailed information and to obtain any required certifications prior to travel.

If you want information concerning the situation in European Union countries from an official website, you can visit this page.


Before travelling, you might want to know how the Covid-19 pandemic is evolving in the region to which you want to travel. The Deep Knowledge Group has developed a safety score for each country to help you understand and visualise this. You can consult the Covid-19 regional safety assessment by geography and the Covid-19 regional safety assessment report.

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