Have you booked your train journey on Fairjungle and would like to cancel it?
Simply go to your Trips tab, select your trip, and click on Cancel.
Choose whether you wish to cancel the outbound, the return, or the roundtrip.
The amount of the refund will be displayed. Then confirm your cancellation.
That's it!
You will receive a confirmation email of this cancellation within minutes.
This action is only available from our Web app for now. We are working on adding it to our mobile apps !
⚠️ Never cancel your train ticket from the TGV Pro application!
This will result in a much longer refund period, unlike cancelling from your Fairjungle area which guarantees an immediate refund.
In case of emergency on your reservation, you can call 3635 (7 days a week and from 8 am to 8 pm free service + price of one call) to cancel your booking.
From outside of France, dial 00 33 1 84 94 3635 (cost of an international call, excluding any additional cost from your operator).